Online Learning: A New Reality for Schools & Students

Digital education has never been more popular than the recent times in which schools, colleges, universities around the globe were closed due to a pandemic. While on one side, everyone misses the real fun of going to schools, not able to see friends; however, one thing that comes more potent than ever that learning should never stop. Time loss is the most significant loss we have learned, and in this effort, Kapdec has come out stronger than ever to help students, teachers, and schools with a comprehensive set of e learning (online learning) tools.

Kapdec and other e-learning portals use digital tools and technologies during teaching and learning to access educational curriculum outside a traditional classroom. Commonly referred to as E-Learning (online learning), it has proven to be a successful learning method. Exploring the use of digital technologies allows educators to design engaging learning opportunities in the courses they teach.

The biggest success driver is that irrespective of age, almost everyone owns a smartphone. In this ever-growing digital age, an increasing number of students are slowly but steadily moving towards online digital courses in virtually every field, including business, arts, engineering, as well as programming languages and technical tools.

Digital classrooms are coming up rapidly in all streams around the world, and the learners are eagerly filling up the seats. It is virtually the computer and network-enabled transfer of skills and knowledge.


E-Learning Creates Innovative Learning Environment

A learning environment includes the physical, social, and intellectual context in which learning occurs. An innovative environment requires flexibility and learning without any force, one of the primary ingredients in e-learning.

e learning

It provides both the learners and tutors with an excellent deal of flexibility, allowing them to study or lecture at any place at their convenient speed without worrying about timetables and schedules. Working in an innovative e-learning environment where teaching and learning are collaborative, reflections, and inquiries are shared.

For Students: Kapdec provides e-learning resources for students, including unlimited doubts clarification. Students can utilize Kapdec contents like text and video courses to better understand their classwork, improve their marks, and explore additional topics that may be of interest to them. Math problems are displayed through visual and audio formats produced by qualified and experienced teachers on a stimulating web-based interface.

‘Online mathematic classes’ covers a   range of various mathematical fields,   from arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, and many more. Mathematics online lessons can be presented in multiple formats, from written guides to interactive tools that help students absorb essential mathematical rules and formulas.

For Parents: Online learning resources help their wards to get a far better grasp of critical concepts, understand homework more thoroughly,  and online test prep for standardized exams. Kapdec has successfully combined technology with the best instructional approaches to provide parents and students the support needed to get through the undergraduate educational journey. Parents also can monitor each student’s progress through baseline reports and charts. It is even easier for parents to fully understand their child’s development,   needs,   and success for each lesson and course.

For Teachers:  Teachers love the invaluable collection of mathematics courses that serve as a supplement for class instruction and offer alternative learning for students who need a challenge. Whether our students are just starting learning mathematics, or are looking for help in advanced concepts, we can provide a method of instruction that best reaches where students are on their academic paths.

maths e learning

Benefits of Online Mathematics Learning

Engaging in personalized learning that involves one-on-one mentorship and mastery learning is the best way for a student to improve academic performance. Below are some benefits of learning mathematics online:

  1. Students can learn at their own pace.

Teachers set the pace of their instruction in a traditional classroom setting based on the average student in the class. It means that the brighter students will be bored and taught what they already know. Meanwhile, the weaker students will be unable to keep up and will continue to lag.

      2. Cost-Effective Learning Materials

Classrooms in e-learning allow students to have more flexibility to skip the material they already understand or pause to focus on what they find to be particularly challenging. Students can spend more time on specific topics than they could in the traditional classroom, allowing them to learn mathematics at the perfect pace for information retention.

If you compare the cost factor, you discover that online education is more affordable than traditional education because of the difference in the creation of online course materials and printed textbooks. A printed book is costlier as it involves a lot of process in its making, from cutting down trees to the production of paper, printing, packaging.

These processes add to the cost of printed books, whereas e-books are created on online software and are digitally published and distributed. Hence, the cost of e-books is always cheaper than the combined price of traditional textbooks for the academic year. Moreover, you get all the learning materials in one location. Students do not have to buy books for different courses, unlike traditional education demands, kapdec provides a unique digital library where students have access to all kinds of e-books in their respective fields of study.


  1. Tutors can provide specialized instruction.

By allowing students to learn at their own pace, ‘online tutors’ have a more exceptional ability to provide individualized instruction to each student. While some students comfortably learn on their own, they can offer more assistance to those struggling with specific parts of the syllabus.

  1. Tutors have more control over students in the class.

A teacher often has little or no control over the variation in subject proficiency in a traditional classroom in a traditional classroom. Even in an online setting, it is still challenging to teach students with widely differing aptitudes in mathematics. With an online class, a tutor (“math tutor”) can reduce the variation in academic aptitude as much as possible.

  1. Focus on the areas that the student needs.

Mathematics is composed of several branches or areas of math. Examples are algebra, calculus, trigonometry, geometry.

online math classes

While some students excel in all areas, other learners easily grasp some areas but face difficulties in other areas of mathematics. Personalized learning with an online math tutor, allows students to work through math at an adjustable pace. The tutor may spend less time on an area the student is quick to master and more time focusing on an area that the student takes longer to comprehend fully. This type of adjustable course pacing, combined with the ability to focus on select specifics of math, is not possible within the traditional classroom model.

maths classes online

  1. Online Tests.

Online tests and quiz will assist students in improving their maths skills in a fun and interactive way. It helps to determine which mathematical concept is well understood and which ones require ongoing attention.

  1. Reference materials.

The internet has been likened to a massive encyclopedia and can be used to look up various kinds of scientific information for multiple purposes. Students from home can use these materials directly, especially as few houses have a mathematical reference such as a mathematics dictionary or encyclopedia.

  1. It eliminates the frustration that can come with learning math.

For some students, learning math can be a painfully frustrating experience. Sometimes it’s easy to see the answer to a problem, but understanding how to get there and showing your work along the way can be difficult. Also, it is common for students to get hung up on one step of a chapter or formula whereby In a traditional classroom, they’re behind the instructor. E-learning curbs frustration and embraces mastery learning, whereby the instructor can coach the student through each concept until it’s understood. Further, top-end tutors will ensure that each session ends with positive reflection, and the student is aware of his or her progress. Rather than feeling frustrated, students should be confident when going to class, working on math homework, and entering their next learning session.


Online learning approaches support students in exploring and identifying “mathematical concepts” and relationships. The flexibility offered by online courses and their convenience will enhance the recognition of distance learning courses. Simultaneously, the various functionality of emerging technologies and the rapid infusion of varied computer technologies into classrooms renders online education classes and programs enticing to teachers and students to enhance their mathematical knowledge.



Angel A. J., Maria A. H., & Sven Trenholm. (2011). Teaching Mathematics Online: Emergent Technologies and Methodologies.

  1. Rajkumar, & Dr. G. Hema (2016). E-learning as a way to improve Mathematics education.

Kissane, B. (2008). Learning Mathematics on the Internet.

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